Due to difficulties with staffing levels, school will only be open to children of key workers and vulnerable pupils from Tuesday 5th January. All other pupils will be taught remotely by staff.
January-2021-Partial Reopening (Download)
Important Info Regarding School Opening Spring Term 2021
Dear Parents and Carers
Just a reminder that tomorrow 4th January is a planned staff training day, therefore, school is closed to all children.
You may be aware that National Trade Unions have been giving advice to all staff in schools. I am liaising with our staff to ascertain how many of them intend to exercise their rights, under Section 44 & 100, of the Employment Rights Act, as suggested by the Trade Unions. Once this information is collated I will be working with the senior leadership team and governors to review our Operational COVID 19 risk assessments and make a decision as to whether school will reopen on Tuesday to just key worker and vulnerable children or to ALL pupils. I will let you know the decision as soon as possible.
I know this is a stressful time for everyone but the whole school community safety is my upmost priority. Apologies for the inconvenience, but I ask for your continued understanding at this time.
Mrs M Butt
Self Care Update
Hello everyone as we approach the Christmas holidays which, for some, may be incredibly stressful. I thought I would share this with you all. Please remember to make and take time for yourself.
Merry Christmas
from Mrs Wetherelt.
Tier 3 – what it means for South Tyneside
View the latest COVID 19 information
Ten November Newsletter for Parents
Faith-inspired resources and programmes for Catholic primary and secondary schools.
Whole School Parents Evening 2020
Parents Evening
Due to the current regional and national situation, this term’s meetings between staff and parents will take place via telephone phone calls. We will allocate ten minutes for every call and I have asked the staff to take no more than the allocated time. From Monday there will be a link on the school website and Facebook page where you will be able to book a ten minute time slot with your child’s class teacher.
The phone call you receive will be from the school number 0191 4552862 or a number with “No Caller ID.” I appreciate that some people will be signing up for times around school pick up time. If you are signing up for a time around this time (between 3-4pm) could you ensure that you are contactable.
The parental consultations will give you a chance to update us on how your children are settling into school and our new routines, as well as for us to let you know of their successes and the things they are working on so far. I appreciate that typically we look forward to letting you see the children’s books. Unfortunately, this year, this can’t happen. Hopefully, in time, this will be able to happen because it is a joy to be able to see the wonderful work your children produce each day. I call into the classes each day and I am seeing a really interesting curriculum, great attitudes to work and wonderful relationships between staff and pupils.
- Mrs S Coyne Year 6
- Mr Gregg Year 5
- Mrs Hawkins Year 4
- Mrs Cooke Year 3
- Mrs Eyres Year 2
- Miss Williams Year 1
- Miss Todd Year Reception
- Mrs Parker Year Nursery
Thank you for your understanding.
Mrs Butt
Request for a place at Thurston 5th-9th July 2021
Dear Parents,
The school has been offered a week’s residential trip to Thurston on Lake Coniston. Thurston Outdoor Education Centre (OEC) is owned and operated by South Tyneside Council. They have been providing adventurous activity and educational courses for over 30 years. There are 36 places available for children in Y5 and Y6.
This year’s residential takes place on 5th to 9th July 2021
If your child is interested in going to Thurston next year please ask could you follow the link below to show you interest in a place.
Request for a place at Thurston
Thank you.
Mrs Butt
Welcome to Ss Peter & Paul RC Primary School
During these strange times it can be difficult to see what a school is like with social distancing measures in place.
If you you are thinking of visiting or sending your children to our school, we hope you find this video useful.
If you would like further information please contact the school secretary Mrs Lee via via email info@sspeterpaul.s-tyneside.sch.uk or via telephone on 01914552862.
Thank you
Mrs Butt
Parent and Carer County Lines Information Leaflet
Covid-19 Absence (A quick guide for parents)
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