Nursery and Reception Open Evening
🌟 Join us for our Nursery and Reception Open Evening! 🌙 Our doors are open for a special event on Thursday 7th December. Discover, what makes our school the perfect start for your child. See you there! #OpenEvening
BCCET Term Finishing Time Change
Dear Parents/Carers,
End of term finish times across all Bishop Chadwick schools
Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent consultation on finish times at the end of each school term (Christmas, Easter and Summer).
As you know we are keen to provide consistency for pupils, parents and staff across all our Trust schools.
The results were as follows:
67% of parents responding, supported the proposal for all Bishop Chadwick Catholic Education Trust schools to close to pupils at lunch time at the end of each term (Christmas, Easter, and Summer NOT half terms)
Following consideration of these responses and consultation with our senior leadership team we can confirm that from this term all schools across the Trust will close to pupils following afternoon registration on the last day of each term (Christmas, Easter and Summer).
They will be having their school dinner as normal, then pupils will be released from school at 1.00 pm on Friday 22nd December 2023, Thursday 28th March 2024 and Friday 19th July 2024.
This will continue on a yearly basis.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs M Butt
Head Teacher
Thurston Outdoor Education Centre Residential 2023
Thurston Outdoor Education Centre Residential 2023
Summer 1 Newsletter
The Big Lent Walk 2023
The Big Lent Walk 2023
As part of our ‘GIVE, ACT, PRAY’ mission this Lent we have taken part in CAFOD’s Lent walking challenge the Big Lent Walk! We were very excited to walk and at the same time help fight global poverty.
Together as a school we walked, skipped and sometimes ran around our school grounds whilst taking time to chat to our friends and teachers.
In total we walked just over 200 kilometers as a school community proving that if we all work together in a small way we can achieve BIG things.
Thank you to everyone who donated.
Mrs Parker
Wait a Minute it’s Advent
Youth Ministry Team
Once again recorded some short reflections for Advent. If you would like to watch them please click on the links below. These links will be updated daily during Advent.
CAFOD Family Advent Calendar
CAFOD Family Advent Calendar
Our 2022 online Advent calendar for families has a daily reflection and free activity for you and your children in preparation for Christmas. Join us as we journey throughout the season of Advent with our global family.
Nursery and Reception Places Available for September 2023

Parents’ Evening November 2022
Parents Evening 2022
This term’s parent meetings will take place via telephone phone calls. We will allocate ten minutes for every call and I have asked the staff to take no more than the allocated time.
The time slots for your child’s teachers are as follows:
Y1 – 2:30-5:00pm- Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th November Year 1 Miss McStea
Y2 – 2:30-5:10pm- Monday 7th and Thursday 10th November Year 2 Miss Hudson
Y3 – 2:30-5:00pm- Monday 7th and Wednesday 9th November Year 3 Mr Gregg
Y4 – 3:00-5:30pm- Monday 7th and Wednesday 9th November Year 4 Mrs Hawkins
Y5 – 2:30-5:10pm- Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th November Year 5 Miss Purvis
Y6 2:30-5:00pm – Monday 7th November and 3:00 -5.30pm Tuesday 8th November Year 6 Mrs Coyne
The phone call you receive will be from the school number 0191 4552862 or a number with “No Caller ID.” I appreciate that some people will be signing up for times around school pick up time. If you are signing up for a time around this time (between 3-4pm) could you ensure that you are contactable.
Mrs Butt
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