Parents Evening 2022
This term’s parent meetings will take place via telephone phone calls. We will allocate ten minutes for every call and I have asked the staff to take no more than the allocated time.
The time slots for your child’s teachers are as follows:
Y1 – 2:30-5:00pm- Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th November Year 1 Miss McStea
Y2 – 2:30-5:10pm- Monday 7th and Thursday 10th November Year 2 Miss Hudson
Y3 – 2:30-5:00pm- Monday 7th and Wednesday 9th November Year 3 Mr Gregg
Y4 – 3:00-5:30pm- Monday 7th and Wednesday 9th November Year 4 Mrs Hawkins
Y5 – 2:30-5:10pm- Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th November Year 5 Miss Purvis
Y6 2:30-5:00pm – Monday 7th November and 3:00 -5.30pm Tuesday 8th November Year 6 Mrs Coyne
The phone call you receive will be from the school number 0191 4552862 or a number with “No Caller ID.” I appreciate that some people will be signing up for times around school pick up time. If you are signing up for a time around this time (between 3-4pm) could you ensure that you are contactable.
Mrs Butt