View our Designated Safeguarding Leads below:
Children’s Mental Health Matters No 4
As we come to the end of another lockdown and look forward to coming back to school, it can be a good time to look back over the last year and look at how things have changed.
View Children’s Mental Health Matters 4
Reopening information 8th March 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
Please find below links to our latest risk assessments and information for our school reopening on 8th March.Start and finishing times for all year groups can be found on pg 5 of the ‘March 2021 Information Attachment.’ We look forward to seeing you all on Monday.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions
Many thanks,
Vicky Lee – School Administrator
SS Peter and Paul RC
Olive Street
South Shields
Tyne & Wear
NE33 4RD
0191 4552862
March 2021 Information for Parents Ss Peter and Paul FINAL
Risk Assessment 02.03.21
Ss Peter and Paul RC Primary Buildings RA COVID Feb 2021
Pupil Protocols March Ss Peter Paul
Nexus School Transport
Mental Health Parent and Carer Peer Support Group
We just wanted to let you know of a new parent/carer peer support group in South Tyneside starting on the 11th February. Casey Devine, our South Tyneside Engagement Officer has arranged the session, which is aimed at parents/carers whose children/young people have experienced adverse mental or emotional health (and who may currently be, or have previously accessed services for this).
The details of the session are in the flyer.
If there are any questions, please direct them to casey.devine@southtyneside or
Last Week of Spring Term 1 Activities Letter
Dear Parents, Carers and Children
I want to start by saying a great big thank you to all of my home learning and school learning heroes. I am super proud of how hard you are all working
View Full School Letter (5.2.21)
Please find attached our latest school letter.
If you know any parents/carers who are not receiving our school emails, and would like to, please get them to contact me in the school office with their email address.
Time is Running out to Apply for a Primary School Place
Parents in South Tyneside who are yet to apply for a primary school place are being reminded that the deadline to submit their application is looming.
The deadline for applications for a primary, infant or junior school place for September 2021 is 4.30pm on Friday 15 January.
The easiest way to apply for a school place is online by visiting
Deputy Leader, Councillor Joan Atkinson, said: “While I appreciate people will have celebrated a different sort of Christmas this year, I hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing time over the festive period.
“With the festivities now over, this is the perfect time to sort out the important tasks that may have been overlooked in the run-up to Christmas.
“I would encourage parents and carers to fill in the admissions form online before the deadline. Failure to do so could seriously jeopardise the chances of securing a place for their child at their preferred school.”
To speak to someone about school admissions, call (0191) 424 7706 or email
Important Information Regarding Partial Opening for Pupils this Week.
Due to difficulties with staffing levels, school will only be open to children of key workers and vulnerable pupils from Tuesday 5th January. All other pupils will be taught remotely by staff.
January-2021-Partial Reopening (Download)
Important Info Regarding School Opening Spring Term 2021
Dear Parents and Carers
Just a reminder that tomorrow 4th January is a planned staff training day, therefore, school is closed to all children.
You may be aware that National Trade Unions have been giving advice to all staff in schools. I am liaising with our staff to ascertain how many of them intend to exercise their rights, under Section 44 & 100, of the Employment Rights Act, as suggested by the Trade Unions. Once this information is collated I will be working with the senior leadership team and governors to review our Operational COVID 19 risk assessments and make a decision as to whether school will reopen on Tuesday to just key worker and vulnerable children or to ALL pupils. I will let you know the decision as soon as possible.
I know this is a stressful time for everyone but the whole school community safety is my upmost priority. Apologies for the inconvenience, but I ask for your continued understanding at this time.
Mrs M Butt
Self Care Update
Hello everyone as we approach the Christmas holidays which, for some, may be incredibly stressful. I thought I would share this with you all. Please remember to make and take time for yourself.
Merry Christmas
from Mrs Wetherelt.