This term’s parent meetings will take place via telephone phone calls. We will allocate ten minutes for every call and I have asked the staff to take no more than the allocated time. Please click on the link to make your booking.
The time slots for your child’s teachers are as follows:
Y1 – 2:30-5:00pm- Monday 6th and Thursday 9th March Year 1 Miss McStea
Y2 – 2:30-5:00pm- Monday 6th and Thursday 9th March Year 2 Miss Hudson
Y3 – 2:30-5:00pm- Monday 6th and Thursday 9th March Year 3 Mr Gregg
Y4 – 3:15-5:45pm- Monday 6th and Wednesday 8th March Year 4 Mrs Hawkins
Y5 – 2:30-5:00pm- Monday 6th and Wednesday 8th March Year 5 Miss Purvis
Y6 2:30-5:00pm – Tuesday 7th March and 3:00 -5.30pm Thursday 9th March Year 6 Mrs Coyne
The phone call you receive will be from the school number 0191 4552862 or a number with “No Caller ID.” I appreciate that some people will be signing up for times around school pick up time. If you are signing up for a time around this time (between 3-4pm) could you ensure that you are contactable.
Mrs Butt