The Year of Mary
The theme of World Youth Day 2017 was taken from Our Lady’s song of praise, the Magnificat, ‘The Mighty One has done great things for me’. The Pope has chosen to focus on Mary for the next two years’ World Youth celebrations.
Pope Francis has asked young people to journey with Mary, describing her as a ‘role model to be imitated.’
The Year of Mary will provide an opportunity for our children to celebrate, each month, a virtue shown by Mary and to celebrate her many names. In turn, this will allow the children to come closer to Mary, the mother of God, and our Mother.
Year of Mary
Each month there will be a prayer focus for the children to think and reflect on.
January- Families
February- The sick
March- The needy and the hungry
April- Vocations
May- Workers
June- The persecuted
July- Sea Farers
September- Peace
October- Our home and the world
November- Deceased family and friends
December- Migrants and refugees